Welcome to EvoCare®-The Care Evolution

EvoCare offers investors attractive conditions for acquiring shares: The German government promotes investments in EvoCare. Investors receive 20% cash-back, income tax exemptions and exit kickers. The subsidy is valid until November 25, 2022. INVEST
Therapy services are provided by healthcare providers in all sectors of the healthcare market.
Almost 90% of the adult population uses outpatient services within a year and received prescriptions
for therapeutic products amounting to 8.9 billion euros in 2020 (GKV). (1)
These services are provided by about 2000 hospitals and clinics,
more than 72,000 medical practices and 30,000 care facilities. (2)
"Out-patient health care plays an important role in identifying and treating health problems. [...]”
Approximately 80% of the population aged 18 and older received primary care or general medical, specialist,
psychiatric, or psychotherapeutic treatment at least once during the year."
Pioneering telemedicine, we believe that digital methods are the third pillar of the healthcare system alongside outpatient and inpatient treatment.
With over 20 years of experience in developing and launching digital telemedicine
and telerehabilitation methods and techniques, our founders have successfully
paved the way for the modern eHealth and Digital Health scene several times.
Our goal is to become a dominant player in the international Digital Health market,
providing flexible access to digital health services for everyone.
Dr. Rer. Nat. Ralf Kohnen
Chairman of the Board
Dr. Achim Hein
Member of the Board
Dr. Jochen Tenbieg
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Patricia Hein
Member of the Supervisory Board
Jan Stenger
Member of the Supervisory Board